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Mary’s Giving Fund is deeply appreciative of its many and varied donors who come from wide and ranging backgrounds and life experiences, the common element being a willingness to give to others. Every donor, big and small, and each to her, his, or their own inner motivation to give back, can take great pride in the help they are providing to children through Mary's Giving Fund. Thank you to each and every one of you!

Pamela and Tarek Abdalla

Cathy and Keith Adams

Dan Amero

Michael Anderson

Evan Azriliant

Nancy and Mike Baney

Mary and Bryan Beasley

Nicki Bennett

Karen and Bob Bentz

Marnie Best

Danielle and Ryan Billings

Barbara Bissell

Judith Block

Julia Blunden and Robert Morgan

Caterpillar Foundation

Christine Borrmann

Karen and Richard Boyle

Andrea and John Brennan

Becky and Mark Brinich

Kathryn and Tim Brooks

Donna and Patrick Bryan

Beth Buehler and Chris Ricker

Adam Bulyar

Laura Burke

Kathy and Bill Butdorf

Michele Calderoni

Michele and Chip Cale

Kendra and Bob Camp

Michele and Kevin Canney

Lori Carpenter and Stephen Casbeer

Sherri Carter

Mel and Phil Cary

Carol and Terry Casey

Isabel and Neil Christie

Ellen and Bill Clarke

Mary and David Coldwell

Community Foundation of New Jersey

The Community's Foundation

Mary Lynn and Harry Conn

Suzanne Cordero

Krista and Bart Corr

Belle and Jim Corrigan

Suzanne and Dick Corsini

Victoria and Jeff Cosby

Krista Cosgrove

Dianna and Rob Craven

Alix and Tom Cross

Bob Cusumano

Suzanne Cusumano

Lisa Davis

Meghan and Dan DeCastro

Judy and Joe DePaolo

Rebecca and Randell Doane

Carol and Tom Doyle

Sandy and Ralph Drayer

Nancy and Dix Druce

Janine and Keith Dubauskas

Marcy and Jim Duckworth

Marsha and Doug Dunlap

Molly Downing

Leayne and Mark Eble

Connie Eckerle

Martha Ehrmann

Wendy and Mark Eissey

John Emmi

Lauren and Mike Eskra

Tina and Kurt Ewoldt

Julie and Bill Fabri

Karen Farmer

Ashley and Mike Faulx

Nancy Fawcett

Fidelity Charitable

Jennifer and Dave Fielding

First Church Nursery School

Tom Fischer

Jennifer and Mike Fisher

Denise and Jim Fornof

Ashley Fogg

Dave Francy

The Friel Foundation

Shelly and Dave Franken

Dawn and Dan Gabriel

Woody Gardner

Ali Gendron




Megan Gibson

Diane and Mark Gimbel

Carly and Mitch Glazier

Rachel and Tom Godino

Andrea and Dan Green

Susan and Tucker Greene

Amy and Bruce Guiot

Katie and Chris Harris

Martha and Scott Harris

Robin and Skip Haugen

Catherine Headrick

Diana and Ronald Headrick

Mary Helen and Jim Friel

Heather and David Heverling

Colin Hickey

Solveig and Andy Hobbs

Anne and Marty Horn

Diann and Bart Howe

Katy and Billy Howes

Lori and John Houchin

Kathy Jehle and Paul Campbell

Bill Jelen

Jeni Johnson

Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts


Kim and Royce Jones

Susan and Mark Kamp

Linda Kaplan and Neal Steingold

Zivah and Seth Katz

Nancy Obler and Joseph Kaufman

Kelly and Ken Kennerly

The Kirk Lopez Family

Laura Korfmann

Martha and Bowie Kuhn

Denise and Matt Kuntz

Esther and Brian Labovick

Mary Lange

Beth and Pete Lascheid

Leigh and Mike Lehman

Brenda and Chris Lesser

Beth and Michael Lettengarver

Leslie and Stefan Levine

Debbie and Mike Lloyd

Elizabeth Lofton

Kim and Ed Lunsford

Anna and Matt Lynch

Mackenzie Lynch

Susan and Myles Mace

Victoria Madden

Helen and Bill Malm

Mary Kate Mandel

Debbie and Dan Marquardt

Jennifer and Andrew Marrus

Krista Martell

Linda and Buzz Martin

Trish and Pat Massa

Campbell Mastin

Andrea Mattei

Dawn and Bill McArtor

Lin and Bob McArtor

Nancy Ann McArtor and Tim Williams

Rebecca McArtor

Lyn and Dave McCarthy

Deb and Rob McCulloch

Jean McCulloch

John McCulloch

Mark McCulloch

Cherryl and Jim McGlynn

Kathy Tignor and Michael McHale

Ann and Rob McKean

Jack McKean

Joan and Bob McKean

Paige McKean

Melissa McKinlay

Dawn and Gary McMullin

Judy and Joe Metz

Karen and Jerry Miller

Bill Moffitt

Anita and Joe Moran

Renee and Jeff Morgan

John Muolo

Michelle and Joe Murasko

Evan Murphy

Teresa and Buzz Murphy



Susan and Tim Murray

Andy and Susan Nace

Lynn Tracy and Greg Nerland

Network for Good

The Northern Trust Company

Angie and Andrew Null

Audrey and Peter Null

Maureen and Joe Null

Claudette and Mike Nys

Nancy Obler and Joseph Kaufman

Lynn O'Brien

Stefanie and Dan O'Connor

Marlynn Orlando

Domonic Palladino

Bryan Palmer

Pat Parry

Suzanne and Chaz Payson

Anne and Bruce Perry

The Pine School Parents Association

Heather and John Posey

Mariann and Mark Powell

Amy and Guy Quattlebaum

Rachel Raker

Nina and Jeff Reese

Jenny and Andy Renfroe

Lynne and Bob Reynolds

Maddi Reynolds

Pat Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds

Tim Reynolds

Dena and Adam Rhys

Audrey Riley

Frank Ronayne

Michael Rutledge and David Laubach

Annemarie and Ken Rubin

Nolan Rubin

Colleen and Michael Sages

Connie and Mark Sartory

Betsy Scalco

Jody and Jeff Schiffman

Chris Schleckser

Bev and Jack Schofield

Lily Schreiber

Maria and Dale Schreiber

Schwab Charitable

Nura Siddique

Charlotte Sharp and Dale van Sickle

Sylvia and Marc Sickle

Michelle and Jay Shearouse

Shannon and Dan Sheehan

Reilly Sheridan

Sylvia and Marc Sickle

Gina and Lou Sitaris

Dani Skelly

Elizabeth and Mark Smiley

Talis and Leland Smith

Judy Snow

Sue and Jim Snyder

Karen Sowden

Alicia Spellman and Tom Knapp

Shannon and Glen Spivey

Margaret Spratt and Henry Wyatt

Maury Stephan

Stephanie Stern

Malcolm Stewart

Carolyn and Ed Stone

Jennifer and Jon Strassner

Jean and James Swistock

Kiki Terry

Tequesta Country Club Women's Golf      Association

Gray Thomas

Nancy and Bruce Tindal

Amy and Matt Triggs

Vanguard Charitable

Julie and Scott Warner

Laura and Brett Warren

Lynn and Ted Wattles

Sophie Weissbourd

Lisa and Britt Whitfield

Nickolas Wilson

Ellen and Lee Wilson

Norma Wood and Dave Zerfoss

Margaret and Henry Wyatt

In addition, Mary’s Giving Fund would like to express its sincere thanks and appreciation to rinehimerbaker llc (, and Neil Rinehimer and Victoria Cosby in particular, for their accounting and tax assistance with our books and records, to Advancement Experts (, and Vicki Pugh in particular, for their charitable organization consulting expertise and assistance with our organization, and to The Community Service Club, and Ms. Mary Franks in particular, at the Pine School in Hobe Sound, FL (, for assistance with our semi-annual mass mailings.  Again, thank you all very much for your help!


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Or please mail a check to Mary's Giving Fund, 295 River Drive, Tequesta, FL  33469.  Because one donor has agreed to offset all of the expenses of Mary's Giving Fund, 100% of your donations flow to the charitable programs and the children they support.

Contact Us:

                                                                    or please feel free to reach out to any member of the Advisory Board or the Board of Directors.

Corporate Matching Gifts: Several corporation have donated matching funds to Mary's Giving Fund. If your employer offers a corporate matching gift program, please contact us for any additional information you may need in that regard. 

Mary's Giving Fund is a Florida non-profit corporation and a public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Copyright 2021 Mary Durstine McArtor Reynolds Memorial Giving Fund, Inc.

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